Monday, March 10, 2008

Stand by your man?

If you've been under a rock today, you can visit,2933,336493,00.html for the full story behind Governor Elliott Spitzer's fall from grace today. So anyway,

I believe wholeheartedly men deserve to have the full support of their wife through thick and thin. I am reading a book right now with my small group called For Women Only by Shaunti Felhan. (highly recommend it) This book among other topics addresses how important it is for the man in our lives to know how great we think he is and that no matter what, we support him, love him and are proud of him. We are called to be his #1 cheerleader. This is not only seemingly common sense for a healthy relationship and/or marriage, but what God has called us as women to do.

But today the First Lady of New York went above and beyond and did what I view completely unnecessary: stand by her man! Here he is a former prosecutor of crime and the Governor of one of the country's largest states but above all, a husband admitting infedility with a WHORE! I personally think this would have been one press conference she could have let him handle ALL BY HIMSELF. Shame on him for having her there.

My heart and prayers are with her as she experiences the loneliness of a broken heart and my prayers are especially with the 3 Spitzer daughters who have been completely let down by the man who should be the safest and probably is the most important man in their life. I can only imagine their devastation.

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