Monday, March 3, 2008

10 Random Things about me

Per Everyday Carrie's challenge to write 10 random things about myself here goes:
1. I have 3 ft tall bamboo in my condo that I've grown and nurtured since it was about 6 inches tall and it's been repotted twice. I love it!
2. I can not read music.
3. I've worn glasses since I was 8 and contacts since I was 12.
4. I've been known to cry during a really good hallmark commercial.
5. I can't recall the name of every guy I've kissed.
6. I REALLY want a motorcycle. A Harley Davidson, but the next best thing would be a man with a motorcycle to ride on.
7. I can not sleep well in a completely quiet room. I have to have a fan or some other type of noise maker.
8. I don't know how to iron....I view it as a completely useless task.
9. My favorite places to shop are TJ Maxx and Marshalls.
10. I sleep with a goose feather pillow which I have had since I was a tot and the pillow is way older than I am. We think at some point before I was born, it was my grandfather's, but we're not entirely sure. But! I do change the pillow casing on it often and I buy the expensive kind.


Anonymous said...

funny that two of those things are about sleeping! i do know how you love to nap:)

Unknown said...

Julie!! Love your blog! I am linking to you:)

Molly McInnis said...

What about washing your feet before bed? That is a pretty random thing!

Julie's Common Sensibilities said...

ah, Molls, you are right. I have to have CLEAN feet before bed!