Thursday, December 31, 2009

the last decade

wow, it's hard to believe it's been 10 years since I began my professional career and my hopskotch all along the east coast.
2000--kicked off the new year with friends at a party in DC. I was just about to begin a job with Congressman Nathan Deal in DC after having moved over from Bob Barr's office. In the summer of 2000, he promoted me to Legislative Assistant.
2002--I decided to return to the homeland--GA--with the hopes of working for Sonny Perdue, a long shot candidate for Governor. Well sure enough, he hired me and I got to help him win in the biggest gubernational upset in the country that year. Election Night 2002 was a highlight of my life and career. Sheer elation!
2003-2006--worked in Governor Perdue's office and took the plunge in 2004 to live alone. Haven't regretted ever living alone since then. I think I might like it too much!
2006--got the itch to the leave the Governor's office and was given a very unique opportunity to move to NYC and work at FOX NEWS. It was an amazing experience. Both personally and professionally. However, I learned quickly that working in TV full time was just not for me.
So, after 5 months, I returned to GA.
2007--after returning from NYC, I took 2 months off to take a breath and job hunt. Then along came Verizon with the perfect job.
2009--Verizon promoted me in January and began to commute back and forth from Atlanta to Tampa. In April, I moved to Tampa to a great house right near downtown. Adjusting to life in Florida has been slow going, but I really can't complain.
I do sometimes miss NYC, DC, and Atlanta and can't help but wonder where my journey will take me next.
Along my journey in the past decade, people have certainly come and go out of my life. Especially men. ;) But there are things that have remained steady. My pursuit of my relationship with Jesus, without Him I am nothing. The circumstances of the last ten years, have proved God's hand in my life and His faithfulness.
The closeness of my family, even across the miles, my parents have been such rocks in my life. My close girlfriends, many of which are former roommates and most I have now known for at least 10 years, still continue to be there for me and such a blessing in my life. I hope I have been a blessing to them as well.
So, as if I'm giving some sort of thank you speech, I'd like to acknowledge the following people for their influence and presence in my life.
Jesus, mom, dad, Sonny and Mary Perdue, Andy Stanley, Cam, Courtney, Carrie, Lauren, Monty, Kimberley, Kacy, Mitch, Mandy, my small groups, Kenneth, Molly, Robert, all my former chiefs of staff, Maria, Bob. I could probably go on, but that's all for now.
I'm excited about the next 10 years and what God has in store. I have learned in the past 10 years to not try to predict what's next. Only God knows.

Monday, December 7, 2009

I'm going to Disney World

because Walt invited me for free, I'll be spending the day at the Magic Kingdom tomorrow. I used to love going there as a kid! Who am I kidding? I still do!!! It's been a number of years, but I'm genuinely giddy about it.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

looooong time

ok, so I'm wondering why I even have a blog anymore. I haven't blogged in ages. Haven't all summer as a matter of fact. How can I sit in front of a computer at home when there's palm trees outside my window, a pool steps from my front door, and Tampa Bay about a quarter of a mile away. Really, I wish that was my excuse but it's probably not. I have spent a good bit of time outdoors, but mostly work has been nuts. Super busy, but I'm thankful for the busyness. It sure beats the alternative....
Most days I'm in "information overload" mode so to come home at night and try to spit something out hasn't been a desire especially since I'm exposed to people that are so much more profound than I can ever hope to be. I am thankful for some of those same people who are incredibly intelligent and make me a better person. Heck, one of them, I even call Geeves! Because I can ask him anything and get a really smart response/advice.
I have been paying awfully close attention to what's going on in the healthcare debate and really how it's sort of brought to light this movement of Americans who are sick and tired of an out of touch government calling the shots.
It is amazing to me how congress and their staffs as well as the White House just don't get it. They think they can tell the rest of us what's best for us. They are so isolated from reality that they actually think that's ok and actually believe it's their job to protect us from ourselves.
I have always thought of myself as a fairly staunch conservative who believes in individual freedom and private enterprise. Sometimes it's great to be reminded that I'm not blindly following an ideology but as a fact, I view the issues and point and counterpoint I really am a right wing conservative who believes that big government isn't good for anyone. It stifles innovation, it stifles motivation, it stifles personal responsibility and attempts to stifle the consequences of making poor decisions. Don't believe me? Ask the 3rd generation welfare mom, or one of the kids that are in the 30% that drop out of public (govt run) school or General Motors who isn't sure exactly who they report to...the stockholder or the government.....
Heck government is so incompetent, they locked me inside of a parking garage because of their technical malfunction and it took them 10 minutes in the middle of the day to find someone who could let me out. Running healthcare??? NO WAY!
Ok, so that's the rant for today and might last for another few months. or maybe I'll key some more thoughts in the next few days.
sorry no pictures of kids, weddings, puppies, bouquets of flowers, or killer vacations to share.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

fearfully and wonderfully made

Last week at the church I've been visiting, the pastor mentioned Psalm 139:14 about praising God because I am fearfully and wonderfully made. This mention of the verse was not even a main point of his sermon, but I was so struck by it. God spoke to me and reminded me that I AM fearfully and wonderfully made. Move over insecurity and self doubt!! Julie is fearfully and wonderfully made by the Most High God!
Portions of Psalm 139 say:
1 O LORD, you have searched me and you know me.
2 You know when I sit and when I rise; you perceive my thoughts from afar.
3 You discern my going out and my lying down; you are familiar with all my ways.
4 Before a word is on my tongue you know it completely, O LORD.
5 You hem me in—behind and before; you have laid your hand upon me.,,,,,,,

13 For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother's womb.
14 I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well.
15 My frame was not hidden from you when I was made in the secret place. When I was woven together in the depths of the earth,
16 your eyes saw my unformed body. All the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be.

the whole passage can be found here
There is great freedom from insecurity to be had in the dwelling of this truth. God knit me together. He formed my inmost being. I am who I am because He made me. Note: this isn't an easy excuse to all my sins and faults and shortcomings. But yet, when I look in the mirror, when I think about my personality, my sense of humor, my character, instead of being insecure about being accepted or worthy to those around me, I must remember that I am uniquely made by God. All the things that are inherent in who I am are because God made me to be those things. Unique but yet in His image.
When I'm full of self doubt about my talents, my looks, my attractiveness to a man, my ability to make and keep friends, I am reminded that God made me. And He made me for Him. He made me to bring glory to Him. Now, what can I do with that information to be kinder to those around me, put myself out there more to make friends, give extra attention to someone who needs it, not have to experience the negativeness of rejection and/or just being all that He made me to be?!
What will you do different if you live in the truth that God knit your inmost being and that He's ordained all of your days?

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

new locale

I've been in Tampa now for 21 days. The weather has been amazing. Really! It hasn't been too hot yet, no pollen, and the evenings are absolutely gorgeous.
My commute to work is about a mile and half, the longest part of my commute is navigating the parking garage. I know you're asking, "why aren't you walking?" Well, many days I need my care for meetings and it's way too hot here with unpredictable rain showers to try to walk. And futhermore, Tampa is apparently the lightning capital of the world--thrilling!
I've gone for a long walk almost every night since I've moved here which is further enhanced by the recent special delivery of my full loaded new ipod that was loaded for me by one of my favorite people.
It's weird to be in a strange city by myself, but I guess I've spent enough time alone and in strange places at this point for it not to be too bizarre.
I made it a top priority to rent a two bedroom so I'm really hopeful for lots of visitors. My friends living up north will especially like visiting from about October-April.
Bottom line as I embark on this new adventure, I know God has plans for my life and what He wants to do through me, and the city I live in is just merely a detail. And really who knows what might be next?!
And I'm so incredibly blessed and thankful for the consistency of the special people in my life who are still there for me regardless of what city I am in!

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Who are these people?!

because the Obamas certainly aren't like any of the hard working Americans I've known for the past 32 years and certainly not like anyone I've studied in the history of this great amazing Country---This great country that the Obamas are desperate to CHANGE!
partying? can you afford to party?
I'd love to find a tally of all the entertaining the Obamas have done at the WH since taking office.

Monday, March 16, 2009

the pure heart of a child

This past week the 9 year-old granddaughter of my parents' best friends had been experiencing some dizziness that continued to get worse. On Friday they took her to Scottish Rite Hospital aka Children's Healthcare of Atlanta where shortly thereafter she was diagnosed with an inoperable brain tumor. The doctors are immediately at work with all their resources to shrink the growing tumor in this precious little girl's brain. This is a time when none of us can understand why God allows such things to happen, but I know that He STILL has the whole world in His hands especially this precious little girl.
I was extremely touched by a story my mother conveyed to me. On Saturday, this precious innocent 9 year old girl laying in a hospital bed was staring at all her pretty balloons and she looked at her mom and said "Mom, these balloons are so pretty, and I noticed that some of the other children down the hall don't have any balloons. I'd like to take them mine!"
I get tears every time I think about the generosity of her heart and her compassion for the children around her. How convicting to me when I often think only of myself in no where even close to such dire circumstances.
Please pray for this amazing family and especially for this adorable innocent little girl.
God is at work all around us, especially in children's hospitals!

Wednesday, March 11, 2009


I've been on quite the blogging hiatus lately and hope to get back into it soon. My brain is mush from all the work I'm doing. I'm also trying to get everything wrapped up in Atlanta, get packed and close up shop to move to Tampa. Admittedly, it's a lot to manage without any help.
I definitely hope to have lots of topics wants I move to Tampa. So stay tuned!

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Sunday eve

I haven't posted anything new in a while. I have been so busy traveling back and forth to Tampa. I've enjoyed getting to relax this weekend before the grind begins again tomorrow at work. Lots to do in the next four weeks before I move to Tampa. busy busy busy but I'm really excited about my new adventure.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

random things

I haven't written any random facts about myself in a while, so I figured I would and see how truly random I can make them.
1. I don't like cats, not even a little bit. And they my eyes itch and I sneeze.
2. Right now, I have a crick in my neck from sleeping wrong and from a crappy hotel pillow.
3. I like to go sit at a coffee house or a chilled out bar and read mags and drink coffee or wine.
4. I have a journal that sometimes I write in and sometimes I avoid it like the plague. Writing about issues makes them more of a reality. sometimes that's good; sometimes that is bad.
5. I really like to chill out and do virtually nothing while I'm at home.
6. I sometimes have to take Xanax when I fly, but ONLY when I fly.
7. Some places I'd really like to visit: London, the english countryside, Ireland, Paris, Tahiti, Italy, Vermont.
8. I'd like to go on a motorcycle ride through new england with someone in particular.
9. Often, the backdrop or location of my deep sleep dreaming is the house I grew up in; my parents don't even live there anymore.
10. I am convinced that the desire to be loved can be really torturous.
11. My stomach gets really upset when I get super nervous.
12. I've never had a desire to get any sort of plastic surgery.
13. I regret not wearing my retainer every night like I was supposed to.
14. I think a lot of the guys in Atlanta are boring...oops! did I say that out loud?!
15. I still have my mistletoe hanging up in my condo.
16. I'm sometimes humbly reminded that I have too strong a personality.
17. I'm trying to give President Obama the benefit of the doubt. I do want him to succeed.
18. I think my best days are ahead of me.
19. I am confident that God's hand is on my life.
20. My dad is one of the funniest guys I know, even if sometimes he's a goof.

Sunday, January 11, 2009

2009 is off to a fast start

I've been super busy since ringing in the New Year. I left New Year's day for a super fun and much needed trip to see my old roommates in DC. We had a great time! Got back and work has been crazy busy too, lots to keep up with and trying not to let anything slip through the cracks.

I've also taken on some fun new projects outside of work including being on the selection committee for the GA Teacher of the Year. This basically means I am responsible for reading about 25 of the applications and scoring them. It's been really interesting, although time consuming. There really are some amazing teachers doing really amazing things in classrooms all over this state.

I'm also serving on the Georgia Board of Nursing. I first meeting is later this week. It lasts for 3 days in

And I've also started helping to see if we can put together a successful bid for the 2012 Republican National convention.

Busy, Busy, Busy. But I wouldn't change a thing! well maybe a few things...... ;)