Sunday, January 11, 2009

2009 is off to a fast start

I've been super busy since ringing in the New Year. I left New Year's day for a super fun and much needed trip to see my old roommates in DC. We had a great time! Got back and work has been crazy busy too, lots to keep up with and trying not to let anything slip through the cracks.

I've also taken on some fun new projects outside of work including being on the selection committee for the GA Teacher of the Year. This basically means I am responsible for reading about 25 of the applications and scoring them. It's been really interesting, although time consuming. There really are some amazing teachers doing really amazing things in classrooms all over this state.

I'm also serving on the Georgia Board of Nursing. I first meeting is later this week. It lasts for 3 days in

And I've also started helping to see if we can put together a successful bid for the 2012 Republican National convention.

Busy, Busy, Busy. But I wouldn't change a thing! well maybe a few things...... ;)


Unknown said...

Georgia Board of Nursing? What's that about and how did you get involved? Interesting!

Julie's Common Sensibilities said...

Governor Perdue appointed me! :)