Sunday, June 22, 2008

an open letter to the next President

Below is an open letter I am writing to the next President of the United States whoever he may be. to see more letters and to see a tease about a new series Andy Stanley is doing at my church check out:

Mr. President, congratulations on being the 44th man elected to lead the greatest country this world has ever produced. The responsibility that now rest on your shoulders is almost impossible to be handled by one mortal man. I humbly beg of you to meditate your mind, heart and soul on the passages found in Romans 13:1-7, Col 3:23-24, II Chron 7:14. Your presidency is ordained by God, and I hope you will wake every day knowing He put you in the White House. Please do everything in your power to call upon Him and seek to obey Him in every decision you make. My prayer for you is that you will be (in this order of priority) 1. obedient to God and trust Him fully 2. completely faithful to your wife 3. a great father to your children 4. a great steward and protector of the citizens of the United States and their resources. I am 100% confident if you do this, you will leave the United States better than it was before you were inaugurated. May God bless you and your family and may He continue to shed His grace on America.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Can I get a witness?!?!