Sunday, October 26, 2008


I spent the afternoon in the beauty of north Georgia. Much of the day was spent in my friend Trey's convertible. There's nothing like tooling around on a beautiful day with the top down just enjoying the scenery. It was so relaxing and bit reviving to be out in God's beautiful nature. The leaves were absolutely immaculate as they change to vibrant shades of orange, red, yellow and everything in between. Did you know that scientist can't explain what makes the leaves turn red? they absolutely can not explain it. I bet God could, if He wanted to.....
I uploaded a few pics to my flickr account.
The highlights of the day were a delicious all you can eat Southern buffet in White county called the West Family Restaurant. Fried Okra, Green Beans, Creamed Corn, fried chicken, a biscuit, sweet tea polished off with some strawberry cobbler. mmm. mmm. good!
Then the gorgeous trek up to Georgia's highest peak, Brasstown Bald. Elevation 4,784 feet. Amazing views. We could just barely make out the haze of a very tiny downtown Atlanta from miles and miles away.
If you haven't had a chance to get away from the hustle and bustle of every day living and enjoy the great outdoors, I challenge you and encourage you to do so. And along the way, be sure to remind yourself of Who is bringing it to you and thank Him for it!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

why didn't you swing by my mountain house?