Friday, August 29, 2008

Hot dang it's a woman!

My initial reaction was disappointment that McCain did not choose Mitt Romney who I really respect and admire and is a leader this country needs.
However, I must say I was caught off guard but deeply intrigued by his choice of Sarah Palin, the 44 year old republican Governor of Alaska.
What I am hearing from the pundits:
She's conservative. she's a gun owner and advocate. She hunts, she fishes. She is the mother of 5 children, the youngest having down syndrome. She's a businesswoman, she's pro-life and super smart.
I've never heard her speak but if she's the republican vice presidential candidate as chosen by Senator John McCain, she must really have something to bring to the table. She's certainly not politics as usual like Joe Biden is.
I know Biden must be highly disappointed that he won't get to be the aggressive jerkish attack dog that is so true to his character when he is debating HER.
more to come. hang on to your hats, it's going to be an interesting fall.

p.s. she's beautiful!!!
p.s. couldn't have picked her out of a crowd of two before today....


Unknown said...

I'm thrilled! Go Sarah!

Anonymous said...

crazy! i liked her speech. mom and i were in tears while she was talking about her son going to iraq. i think he called obama's bluff! nice.

Molly McInnis said...

I teared up listening to her speech. Very historic. Although I know its not the first time we've have a female VP candidate, it's the first time I remember it. I told Kyle she is very inspirational. If I can become mayor of a small town and then governor in the next 12 years - I've got a shot at the White House at age 44!

Dan McGirt said...

Awesome choice!

She can do anything: