Monday, April 7, 2008

This is kind of awesome!
Many folks around the world are in an uproar about the 2008 summer Olympics being held in communist China in August. As demonstrated in the video clip in the above link. Now I'm typically not into crazy rioting protests, but 3 guys climbing the cables of the Golden Gate Bridge to hang a huge banner calling for freedom of an oppressed people on the other side of the Pacific Ocean is pretty awesome! An excerpt: And in San Francisco, where the torch is due to arrive Wednesday, three protesters wearing harnesses and helmets climbed up the Golden Gate Bridge and tied the Tibetan flag and two banners to its cables. The banners read "One World One Dream. Free Tibet" and "Free Tibet."
However, I can't condone the behaviour towards the torch and the ones carrying the torch through the streets of the world. The olympic torch and the Olympics represent the world coming together to compete in games! But I definitely support the idea of government leaders boycotting the games. Let the athletes compete, but government entities can sit home and take a stand. And futhermore, is China really ready to host the world?
oh but wait, China is the lifeblood of our country's economy! What a dilemma.......
Have you given it any thought?

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