Saturday, December 15, 2012

Tragedy--where to look

I woke up this morning and was immediately burdened again after sleep with what transpired in Newtown, CT yesterday. I think of the families who lost a loved one...a precious child or an innocent adult. Their hearts have only just begun to ache as the reality of the loss sets in. I think of the children who survived who witnessed such a terrifying evil act of murder of innocence. The fear they have has only just begun to settle in over them. I think of the first responders....what they had to witness and deal with and how they're now just beginning to put the pieces together. BUT! It is not enough to "think" of them. It's not enough to keep them in our "thoughts" or to emptily say they're in our prayers. I must....we must....cry out to God for mercy and grace. He so richly provides it. I pray for God to bring comfort to the families. I pray that they will feel a closeness to Him and a peace from Him that is beyond any human explanation...He WILL do that! I pray for the precious children who survived that they will discover an everlasting Heavenly Father who is the ultimate protector. I pray for all the families that they will seek God in new ways like never before. The Light is there wanting to respond. Because of Jesus Christ, we have hope. This broken world is not all their is and not what He wants for us. In the Bible, the Gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John are full of Jesus words about His redemption. That redemption most demonstrated through His death and resurrection. He has overcome death! In John 16:33 He says "In this world you will have trouble. but take heart! I have overcome the world." That is where peace and redemption and security lies. It lies with a personal relationship with Him. We can not look to government and politicians for the answers or the solution. This is not about weapons. This is about the condition of the heart. Broken. Shattered. Evil. Legislation/Regulation can't solve that. Only a loving God who longs for relationship with us through His Son Jesus can solve this. The answers aren't found in gun laws, the answers aren't found in legislation, or false security that a secular government will attempt to offer its citizens. The answers lie in a loving God who loves our broken world and sent His Son to redeem it. All we have to do is embrace Him. My prayer for these families in CT is that they'll do just that. I pray for the Godly men and women in their midst, that they'll come along side those hurting and minister to them. I pray for the first responders that they'll be able to put the pieces together to allow for closure for these families. But the real closure comes in Eternity. An Eternity promised by a loving and just God.

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