ok, I'm sure cell phone ettiquette has been blogged about ad nauseum but I'd like to add my 2 cents based on my own experiences.
1. Do NOT call anyone you don't really know on their cell before 9 a.m.
2. Do NOT call anyone you don't know that well on their cell phone--that's what office line voicemail is for. Just because you have it because it's on their business card doesn't mean you should freely use it. Always call office until you've been invited to feel free to call the cell phone. this mainly applies to work related scenarios.
3. If you have AT&T you can't call me until after 9p. Only my Verizon friends can talk to me between 7a and 9p. Ha! I'm mostly kidding!
4. If someone calls you, try to return the call instead of returning it with a text--if possible. Unless you're trying to avoid in which case, text away....
5. If you're a male, single, and between the ages of 29 and 38, call or text anytime.
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
the battle of the chicken sandwich

McDonald's Chicken Sandwich
Looks can be deceiving.....
I was asked by my most loyal reader to blog about the original Chick-fil-A Sandwich "the Chick" vs. the 'johnny come lately' McDonald's Southern Style Chicken Sandwich. So I rose to the challenge and did my own taste test. Well, seeing as how I've never actually had the McDonalds version......I mean why would I? I live in Atlanta, GA!.....so I went to purchase the McD's Southern Style Chicken Sandwich and a Sweet Tea (large in a styrofoam cup). Mmm. things looked familiar. Chick-fil-A uses styrofoam cups. Sweet Tea tastes its absolute best in styrofoam....regardless of it not being so environmentally friendly. So anyway, I received my chicken sandwich in a box and served my own tea (which I like because I'm very particular about the amount of ice I like--a lot!). Ok, I keep digressing. So I proceed to open the box and eat the sandwich....which I did with an open mind and open tastebuds. At first bite, it was decent. Not seasoned like the "Chick" nor was the bread as good. The bread almost tasted doughy and was too white bread mushy. The chicken breast seemed not as fresh and flatter than the Chick. I will say, I was impressed at the crispness of the pickles, they weren't mushy like on the Chick. But then again it may have been because the packaging of McD's didn't allow for the delightful steaming that takes place in the Chick-fil-A foil/paper wrapper bag. I fully believe the "Chick" tastes better after it's steamed in the bag for a few minutes. YUM. I will give McDonald's props for stellar tea. Sometimes Chick-fil-A's tea is overly sugared. But this cup of McD's sweet tea was just right. Plenty of dark tea that taste like tea (not brown water) with the right amount of sweetness.
So to McDonalds, I say, nice try. But you'll never ever ever be as good at the Chick-fil-A chicken sandwich! Stick with Big Macs, McD's. they are yummy in their own right! BUT, for those of you that sadly live in areas where Chick-fil-A hasn't debuted yet, it's an ok alternative. Just know you're not getting the best! oh and for full disclosure, McD's sandwich has 400 calories, 150 calories from fat, 17 grams of fat and 24 grams of protein. Chick-fil-A's has 410 calories, 140 calories from fat and 17 grams of fat and 27 grams of protein.
In conclusion, I will stick with Chick-fil-A for all my quick service meal needs. :)
Gosh, I'm starving!!!!
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