Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Who are these people?!

because the Obamas certainly aren't like any of the hard working Americans I've known for the past 32 years and certainly not like anyone I've studied in the history of this great amazing Country---This great country that the Obamas are desperate to CHANGE!

partying? can you afford to party?
I'd love to find a tally of all the entertaining the Obamas have done at the WH since taking office.

Monday, March 16, 2009

the pure heart of a child

This past week the 9 year-old granddaughter of my parents' best friends had been experiencing some dizziness that continued to get worse. On Friday they took her to Scottish Rite Hospital aka Children's Healthcare of Atlanta where shortly thereafter she was diagnosed with an inoperable brain tumor. The doctors are immediately at work with all their resources to shrink the growing tumor in this precious little girl's brain. This is a time when none of us can understand why God allows such things to happen, but I know that He STILL has the whole world in His hands especially this precious little girl.
I was extremely touched by a story my mother conveyed to me. On Saturday, this precious innocent 9 year old girl laying in a hospital bed was staring at all her pretty balloons and she looked at her mom and said "Mom, these balloons are so pretty, and I noticed that some of the other children down the hall don't have any balloons. I'd like to take them mine!"
I get tears every time I think about the generosity of her heart and her compassion for the children around her. How convicting to me when I often think only of myself in no where even close to such dire circumstances.
Please pray for this amazing family and especially for this adorable innocent little girl.
God is at work all around us, especially in children's hospitals!

Wednesday, March 11, 2009


I've been on quite the blogging hiatus lately and hope to get back into it soon. My brain is mush from all the work I'm doing. I'm also trying to get everything wrapped up in Atlanta, get packed and close up shop to move to Tampa. Admittedly, it's a lot to manage without any help.
I definitely hope to have lots of topics wants I move to Tampa. So stay tuned!

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Sunday eve

I haven't posted anything new in a while. I have been so busy traveling back and forth to Tampa. I've enjoyed getting to relax this weekend before the grind begins again tomorrow at work. Lots to do in the next four weeks before I move to Tampa. busy busy busy but I'm really excited about my new adventure.